Could a score analyser improve your marks?

Wondering about remote coaching? Check out this article we wrote for

We all want to do our best when it comes to competing in dressage, but the realism is, that to be at our best in the ring, we have to be polishing our performance at home!  

So.....what do we work on?  

Well, we need to make sure our basics are good all the time, but there will be areas that require more focus than others.  How do we know what these are?  This is where score analysis helps you target the areas that need the work.  

At The Dressage Coach, we have developed an innovative score analyser that will show you the exact areas of your riding to focus on to help you improve those marks.  Our innovative dressage score analyser covers everything from left rein/right rein, walk/trot/canter and the movements.  The more scores you put in to the analyser, the bigger the picture you will get on where those marks are consistently high or lower.   You can also really track your performance progress on varying levels with varying horses, making this the perfect way to focus your training.  

Our members have found this to be a game changer as they no longer need to spend hours looking through old test sheets and trying to compare them, it's all there for them to see at a glance whenever they want it on their phone!

If you'd like to try out our score analyser and many other features, download our award winning app today at your favourite App Store!